Course Syllabus







Professor: Cathy Dillinger RN, MSN
Office: Wisner Office 111
Office Hours: As posted and by appointment.

Olivet Nazarene University

Department of Nursing



Course No. and Title: Nurs 205 -1 Fundamentals of Nursing I Term/Academic Year: Fall  2016

Credit: 4

 Instructor/Course Coordinator’s Name: Cathy Dillinger MSN, RN  Office Hours: as posted and by appointment  

 Meeting Time/Room Location: Mon, Wed, Fri : Sec 01  – 0900-0950

                                                     Room To Be Determined

                                                     Lab time :  As assigned

                                                     Clinical : Thursday at Illinois Veterans Home Manteno (as assigned)

E-mail:        Phone: (815) 939-5345       Fax: (815) 939-5383

Prerequisites: NURS 202 Introduction to Professional Nursing and admission to nursing program.

Students should check with each instructor to see if his/her lecture can be audio taped; otherwise, no cell phones, beepers, or other electronic devices are allowed in the classroom (Refer to Student Handbook).


  1. Course Overview  

     Foundational nursing knowledge and interventions are introduced in the classroom. Time will be spent in the Virtual Learning Center (VLC) perfecting and demonstrating fundamental skills utilized in the clinical setting. The nursing process and its application to a plan of care will be initiated.  Health assessment skills will be utilized in combination with beginning nursing skills and care planning in the clinical setting. 

  1. Course Learning Outcomes

       Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

  1. Combine knowledge from the liberal arts and sciences to the domains of nursing care. (A,H,G)
  2. Identify critical thinking skills to demonstrate competency in performing nursing interventions from selected domains of care; physiologic, behavioral, safety. (C,I)
  1. List and prioritize key factors that influence the choice of nursing interventions. (B,C D,I,J)
  2. Discuss appropriate nursing interventions while assessing and collecting data. (C,D,F,I)
  3. Identify the outcome characteristics of an ONU nursing graduate. (E,F)

 Clinical Learning Outcomes

 Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

  1. Provide care for selected individuals at various levels. (J)
  2. Apply the nursing process when providing care (F,I,J)
  3. Discuss the scientific rationale for clinical interventions (C,I)
  4. Demonstrate Level I psychomotor and interpersonal skills within a clinical setting (C,F,J)
  5. Demonstrate specified skills on skills card prior to clinical experience.(J)

III.      Teaching Method/Class Format

   Power point, lecture/discussion, application,  simulations.

  1. Texts, Required Reading and CAIs (Computer assisted instruction simulations)

 - American Psychological Association (2009). Publication Manual of the American

     Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, D.C.; Author.

  - Gulanick, M., and Myers, J. (2014). Nursing Care Plans, Diagnoses, Interventions,

     and Outcomes. Elsevier-Evolve.

 - Hesi Case Studies. Elsevier-Evolve.

 - Morris, D. (2014). Calculate with Confidence (6th  ed.). Mosby.

 - Mosby’s Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, & Health Professions (9th ed,). Mosby       (2013)

 - Mosby’s Video Skills. Elsevier-Evolve.

 - Nursing Diagnoses Definitions and Classifications 2015 – 2017 (10th ed.). Wiley

Blackwell (2014).

 - Pagana ,K., & Pagana, T. (2010). Mosby’s Manual of Diagnostic & Laboratory Tests

     (4th ed.). Mosby.

- Potter, P., & Perry, A. (2017). Fundamentals of Nursing (9th ed.). Mosby.

 - Potter, P., & Perry, A. (2017). Fundamentals of Nursing –Just the Facts- Clinical

     Companion (9th ed.). Mosby.

 - Potter, P., & Perry, A. (2017). Fundamentals of Nursing Workbook (9th ed.). Mosby.

 - Vallerand, A.H., & Sanoski, C.A. (2017). Davis Drug Guide for Nurses (15th ed.).

     F.A. Davis.


 1.  Final Grade Distribution in Percent Grading Scale:

              6 Exams @ 12% each = 72%                                         95-100         A

              Quizzes                           6%                                          92-94.9        A-

              Assignment                     5%    

              Care Plans                      5%                                          89-91.9        B+                                        

             Final Exam                     12%                                          86-88.9        B

           Total                                 100%                                         83-85.9       B-

                                                                                                     80-82.9       C+

                                                                                                     77-79.9        C

                                                                                                     74-76.9        C-          Non-passing scores

                                                                                                     71-73.9     D+

                                                                                                     68-70.9     D

                                                                                                     65-67.9     D-


Failure to meet criteria in either the didactic or clinical component of the course will automatically signify failure for the entire course.


  1. Examination Policy

Examinations in all nursing courses must be passed with a cumulative total of 77% in order to pass the course.  Request for an excused absence MUST occur by voice mail or email directly to the course instructor before the start of class.  The student will take the examination/quiz by special arrangement with the instructor.  A student who fails to attend a scheduled examination/quiz without prior notification will receive a grade of zero for the examination/quiz. 

Make up examinations will be given one week prior to mid-terms and finals at a designated day and time.  The format for the make-up examination will differ from the original examination (may be short answer or essay).  If it is not made up, a score of zero will be recorded for that examination.

In order to accurately assess a student’s progress during the examination process, no sharing of information or using notes is allowed, unless specifically authorized.  Failure to follow the guidelines established for the examination/quiz will result in a score of zero (0) for that examination/quiz.

An analysis of each exam will be completed by the didactic instructor within 48 hours (excluding weekends). Review of exam content will be done after analysis of each exam. Exam remediation will be provided within 48 hours of request and must occur within 1 week after the exam ends.

Students that have less than a 77% cumulative test grade must attend SCIs and the attendance policy will be enforced.

See handbook for computer testing guidelines


VII.     Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend class, be on time, prepared, and to actively participate in class. Missed content/classes are responsibility of the student. Preparation is essential for effective participation. If a student is unable to attend class, he/she should notify the instructor prior to the start of class. Failure to notify the instructor prior to class is considered an unexcused absence.   Excused absences will be granted only for true emergencies or significant illnesses.

VLC skills practice hours

One hour of weekly skills practice in the VLC is mandatory for every level. This will allow students time to increase their confidence with clinical skills, increase their understanding of the theory behind the skills, reduce the time of executing the skill, and improve their technique. The hour is to be spent specifically with hands-on skills practice (skills videos are acceptable, but may be viewed for no more than 20 minutes of the hour). A student who has not completed at least 80% of the required VLC skills practice by course end, with appropriate documentation, will receive incremental lowering of their current course letter grade (e.g., B to B-).  No more than 2 hours in a week may be made up for absences. The faculty recognizes that mitigating circumstances occur. In the event of personal and/or immediate family member illness, accident, or serious need, faculty will determine the applicability of this policy.

 Didactic Class Attendance Policy

The faculty of the Department of Nursing is committed to the development of professional values   and behaviors in students. Consistent class attendance reflects a   commitment to professional    growth. A student who has two unexcused absences from didactic class sessions will receive incremental lowering of their current letter grade. The faculty recognizes that mitigating circumstances occur. In the event of personal and/or immediate family member illness, accident, or serious need, faculty will determine the applicability of this policy.  (Rev. 2/09)


Students are also expected to be in class on time. This applies to didactic, clinical rotations, laboratories, and seminars. Tardiness will be recorded for each class session. Three tardy notations of greater than five (5) minutes will count as one unexcused absence. Students who are late fifteen (15) minutes or more to clinical will be sent home, receive an unsatisfactory clinical day, and could be in jeopardy of failing the course. Mitigating circumstances will be evaluated by the clinical instructor.

Clinical, Laboratory, and Simulation Absence Policy

Students are expected to attend all clinical, laboratory, and simulation sessions, be in uniform, be on time, be prepared, and to actively participate. All missed clinical, laboratory, and simulation hours must be made up within the term that the course is being offered.  Students will receive an incomplete grade for the course until all required clinical hours are completed. Students must notify the clinical area and their instructor prior to any absence. Two unexcused clinical absences will result in course failure A third unsatisfactory clinical day results in course failure.

 Late Work Policy

 Late work is highly discouraged; however, in the event you choose to turn in an assignment past the due date and time, 10% per day will be deducted from your assignment grade. After the third day no late work will be accepted resulting in a zero for your assignment grade. All work must be completed even if it is too late to receive credit towards the course-see comment under course activities.

Course Activities

All components of the course except the discussion board have to be completed by the last course day by 11:59 p.m. CST in order to pass the course. Students who are repeating a course must complete all course activities for the course they are repeating and submit new work for all assignments unless otherwise documented by the course professor.

VIII.    Confidentiality

Confidentiality of patients and information concerning patients is critical. Clinical agencies have guidelines for confidentiality as well as consequences of failure to comply. Students may be sent home from the clinical setting if compliance is not maintained and will not be eligible to return to the clinical setting. This will result in failure for the clinical component and subsequent failure of the course.

Math Competency

Math is an essential component in the calculation of medication dosages in the clinical setting. Every student will take a math quiz at the beginning of each level of the nursing program. The math quiz must be passed with 100% proficiency before beginning the clinical experience for that semester. Each missed clinical day due to math quiz failure is an unexcused/unsatisfactory day.  Math remediation will be available for students not passing the quiz. A total of three (3) opportunities will be permitted before the student is administratively withdrawn from all current nursing clinical courses.  Math quizzes must be taken as scheduled. Any missed math quiz will be scored as a zero and counts as one attempt toward passing the math quiz for that semester. Calculators are permitted. Two minutes per question will be the time set for taking of the math exam.

Ethics/Plagiarism Statement

Preparation for a professional career includes responsibility and accountability for one’s work and decisions. Assignments are expected to reflect the effort and thoughts of the individual student, except as indicated by the use of proper documentation. Failure to properly credit the work of another will result in a grade of zero (0) for the assignment.  See the Student Handbook and Olivet Nazarene University’s Code of Conduct for further clarification.

Guidelines for Accommodating Students with Disability

In accordance with the National Council of State Board of Nursing (NCSBN) the following competencies are necessary for the professional practice of nursing:


  1. The ability to see, hear, touch, smell, and distinguish colors.
  2. Oral and writing ability with accuracy, clarity, and efficiency.
  3. Manual dexterity, gross, and fine movements.
  4. Ability to learn, think critically, analyze, assess, solve problems, and reach judgment.
  5. Students must be able to establish cause and effect relationships.
  6.  Students must be able to prioritize data and tasks.
  7. Emotional stability and ability to accept responsibility and accountability.

   American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN, 2001)


If a student or potential student has difficulty in meeting any of the above competencies it is his responsibility to identify himself as needing accommodations. Any requests made for accommodations to meet these competencies must be made in writing to the Director of Assessment and Learning Support Services.  If services are approved, students must apply for services as per policies established by the Director of the Learning Development Center.

The nursing faculty strives to reasonably accommodate students who are experiencing learning difficulties. The goal of the Department is to produce knowledgeable nursing graduates capable of successful completion of the NCLEX-RN and with the ability to function in a variety of settings.  Faculty tracks students who are not maintaining established standards via the Student Progression Committee.  Faculty believe that all students who feel called into nursing should have an opportunity to plan for their own success.

Students who are deemed at risk by the nursing faculty may be referred to the Learning Development Center for academic support as per LDC policy.  The ultimate responsibility for learning resides with the student. The following active learning modalities are available for students: supplemental course instruction, peer tutoring,   computer tutorials, and audiovisual learning.

Disability Support Services

It is the policy of Olivet Nazarene University to accommodate students with disabilities in accordance with federal and state laws. Undergraduate students with documented disabilities should notify Dr. Sue Rattin, assessment and learning support services director (Burke 117), to request course accommodations. The Learning Development Center (Benner 015) will coordinate accommodations for students with disabilities who are approved for services. 


  • For courses with a HESI exam, students will complete the exam to determine their level of content mastery.
  • Minimally students must successfully earn a satisfactory performance (or above) on each standardized exam. 
  • The table below depicts the courses which have a related HESI exam and required remediation however the related HESI exam may be given at later date.


Nursing Program Level and Courses in Which the HESI’s are Given

 (Revised 8/13)

Nursing Level 0

Nursing Level III

NURS 202 Introduction to Professional Nursing:

×          Pre-Req: HESI A2 with critical thinking

NURS 378 Childbearing Family Health:

×                  RN Maternity Nursing


Nursing Level I


Nursing Level IV

NURS 206 Health Assessment

×           Health Assessment

Used throughout program:

×           Online HESI review

×           ProCalc


NURS 449 Adult Health Nursing III:

×          RN Pharmacology 

×          RN Medical-Surgical 

×          HESI CAT

NURS 415

×          RN Pediatric Nursing 

NURS450 Global Health:

×          RN Community Health   

NURS 455 Leadership in Nursing:

×          RN Management 

×          HESI RN Exit 

×          HESI RN-NCLEX Review Course

Nursing Level II

NURS 315 Fundamentals of Nursing II:

×          RN Fundamentals 

×          Pathophysiology-beginning of semester

NURS 327 Pharmacology II

×          RN Pharmacology 

NURS 342 Mental Health Nursing:

×          RN Psychiatric/ Mental Health 


Students must submit proof of completing all assigned practice HESI exams for their course at > 95% (not rounded) one week prior to their HESI exam and provide evidence of remediation according to the professor’s stipulation.  Students are encouraged to read the rationale for each question, especially those questions missed. Students who do not fulfill the required remediation will not be allowed to sit for the exam. 

Faculty gives the HESI exam either one week prior to their final exam as a unit exam or as the final exam which will count for 10% or less of the overall course grade.  As an exam, the resulting score of the first take of the HESI exam is converted into an equivalent grade and factored into the course grade as follows:

    1. Achieving an excellent performance score will earn an equivalent grade of 95%.
    2. Achieving a satisfactory performance score will earn an equivalent grade of 86%.
    3. Achieving a needs additional preparation score will earn an equivalent grade of 76%.
    4. Achieving a needs improvement score will earn equivalent grade of 68%.
  • Students who do not achieve satisfactory performance or higher on a  HESI that is used as the course final must remediate and retake the assessment. They will get a score on both tests, with 75% of the first equivalent grade and 25% of the retake equivalent grade to form the final exam score. The final exam should count for no more than 10% of the exam grades.
  • Students who achieve Level satisfactory performance are expected to review the topics and rationale identified as missed.
  • Students who score below Level satisfactory performance must remediate in a focused review manner that is helpful for them and approved by their course professor.

XIII.    Service

The faculty believes that service is an important part of the overall mission of academic preparation. Therefore, “service to God and humanity” is a component woven into the nursing program through community assignments.

XIV.    Course and Program Assessment

Assessment is an integral part of student learning.  The assessment process involves observation and judgment of each student’s academic performance on the basis of explicit criteria established in the course syllabi.  In the assessment process feedback is also essential.  Faculty feedback provides the student with information that can be used to reflect on one’s personal and professional growth and development within the teaching-learning environment.  Program assessment informs faculty and the larger community how the program has effectively achieved its outcomes and purposes.  This course contributes to the achievement of program outcomes when all course assignments, the HESI assessment scores, and the student’s evaluation of course learning outcomes are analyzed. The aggregate data is used to develop, maintain, and revise the curriculum.

  1. Modification of Syllabus

This syllabus is tentative.  The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus based on unforeseen circumstances.

XVI.    References

            Readings as assigned on class schedule and as added per instructor.

XVII.   Tentative Class Schedule and Assigned Readings

            (See attachment)

XIII.    Clinical Guidelines (see attachment)

XIV.   Late Policy Late work is highly discouraged; however, in the event you choose to turn in  an assignment past the due date and time, 10% per day will be deducted from your assignment grade.  After the third day no late work will be accepted resulting in a zero for your assignment grade.





Olivet Nazarene University

Department of Nursing

Student Learning Contract



(Course name/number _____________________________)


  1. I understand that I am responsible for my own learning and that I must participate actively in this course.


  1. I understand that my grade in this course will be derived from written exams, service learning, and clinical practicum evaluation as outlined on the course grading criteria.


  1. I understand that I am accountable for adhering to the Department of Nursing attendance policy and that my grade may be affected by more than two unexcused absences during the term.


  1. I understand that I am responsible for seeking faculty input and guidance if I become concerned about my grade at any point during the term.


I, the undersigned, have received and read the course syllabus and accept responsibility for knowledge of its contents.



Student Signature _____________________________   Date ______________________-


Print Name: __________________________________











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Course Introduction
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18



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 checkbox_checked_icon&24.png   Course Modules   spechbubble_2_icon&24.png   Questions for the Professor
  bookmark_2_icon&24.png   Announcements  list_nested_32x28.png  Assignments
 clipboard_copy_icon&24.png   Course Handouts  doc_lines_stright_icon&24.png   Download Course Syllabus


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Assignment List 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due